How does Midwest Concierge of Naples differ from a traditional Internal Medicine practice?
By limiting the total practice size, you will receive the enhanced benefits of:
same day appointments when possible
telephone access to Dr. Troup directly 24/7 for medical issues
phone consultation when needed
longer appointments without the wait so your issues can be fully addressed
annual physical examination
assistance in coordinating care with specialists
a trusted medical advocate who truly gets to know you and your wishes
enhanced peace of mind for children living away from elderly parents with family conferencing
How does Midwest Concierge of Naples improve patient care?
Polypharmacy is a recognized problem in practices where there just isn’t enough time to do an accurate medication reconciliation at each office visit or it is done by a medical assistant rather than a physician. Dr. Troup will have the time to review all your medications thoroughly.
What if I become sick after hours or over the weekend?
Extended hours and weekend appointments for illness visits will be arranged when needed. As a member of Midwest Concierge Of Naples, you will have Dr. Troup's personal cell phone number to ensure access outside of routine office hours.
I'm a snowbird and maintain my primary care physician up North. Can I join Midwest Concierge of Naples?
Through the use of electronic medical records, Dr. Troup can coordinate your care with your Northern doctors. We welcome “snowbirds” to the practice. Having the security that you can easily schedule an appointment with your physician when needed rather than going to an Urgent Care or the Emergency Room provides peace of mind in your Winter home.
Who will see me in the event that I require hospitalization?
You will be cared for by one of the highly skilled hospitalists at Naples Community Hospital. Dr. Troup will provide social rounding to coordinate care with these specialists as well as to aid the patient and their family in understanding testing, outcomes and discharge planning. She will be in daily contact with your hospitalist.
Why the membership fee?
In order to limit the size of the practice so that we may provide you with these enhanced patient benefits, an annual membership fee will be charged. This fee is not reimbursed by insurances or Medicare nor will apply to deductibles. You are encouraged to maintain medical insurance. Please check with your advisor to determine whether this is a covered expense under the terms of your healthcare flexible savings account.